God’s plan is to make much of the man, far more of him than of anything else. Men are God’s method. The Church is looking for better methods; God is looking for better men. ”
― E.M. Bounds, Power Through Prayer
I like planning. I like creating projects and processes. I like creating better methods of doing things.
But ultimately, everything comes down to people.
It is about providing guidance. It is about providing direction. It is about providing opportunities.
But ultimately it is about helping people see who they are in God and his plans and purposes for them.
It seems as if at times we are looking for the method that by-passes people. Social media is one example. If we create the right profile, the right image, the right content, we can reach people without anything else. Just get them into the church.
We forget that God’s plan was for people to reach people. That was always the method.
Not better methods. Better people.