It is easier to find guides, someone to tell you what to do, than someone to be with you in a discerning, prayerful companionship as you work it out yourself. This is what spiritual direction is.”
— Eugene Peterson
I have said it. So have you.
“I wish someone would just tell me what to do!”
What should I study in college? Should I marry this person? Do I take this job or that job? How do I handle this situation?
Just tell me what to do!
So we look for a book, a speaker, a conference, someone, anyone who can give us an answer.
A guide who knows all, sees all, tells all.
But we should be looking for a friend, a companion. One who will walk with us, listen to us, pray for us. They will ask the hard questions that help us discover that God speaks to us and we can find answers through him.
Life is more frustrating if you keep looking for a guide.
Life is more fulfilling if you find a companion.